MK-Ultra? Is Kanye West Truly “Out of the Sunken Place”?

Vigilant Citizen
18 months after he was forcibly handcuffed, hospitalized and placed under “psychiatric evaluation”, Kanye West now says he’s “out of the sunken place”. His choice of words is rather telling.This is not my first article about Kanye West. He has mentioned in my article about the video Run This Town – back in 2009. That was a while ago. To put things in context, Obama was just beginning his two-term presidency.
What exactly happened during Kanye’s mysterious stay at the hospital? What kind of treatment could cause a person to lose memory for several months?
These kinds of symptoms are often the result of intense trauma. Was Kanye West subjected to MK-ULTRA-style “therapy”? The main tool of trauma-based mind control is electroshock therapy and the primary side effect of electroshock therapy is memory loss.
“Memory loss is the primary side effect associated with ECT treatment. Most people experience what’s called retrograde amnesia, which is a loss of memory of events leading up to and including the treatment itself. Some people’s memory loss is longer and greater with ECT. Some have trouble recalling events that occurred during the weeks leading up to treatment, or the weeks after treatment. Others lose memories of events and experiences in their past.As stated in previous articles, Britney Spears and Amanda Bynes were also taken to UCLA on “psychiatric hold” after their own mental breakdown. And, sad to say, both of them never truly came back from that place. How many people commented on Britney Spear’s “dead eyes” in the past years?
Memory loss generally improves within a few weeks after ECT treatment. As with psychiatric medications, no professional or doctor can tell you for certain what kind of memory loss you will experience, but virtually all patients experience some memory loss. Sometimes the memory loss in some patients is permanent.”
– PsychCentral, Risks of Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT)
After his hospitalization, Kanye appeared in public with bleached hair.

The Sunken Place
Kanye recently resurfaced on social media announcing all kinds of music projects and business ventures. He also professed his love for Donald Trump (which he also did before he was hospitalized).

The expression “sunken place” comes from the 2017 movie Get Out and refers to the main character’s state of dissociation after being hypnotized by Missy. Here’s one of the “sunken place” scenes.
As you can see, the scene combines hypnotic triggers (spoon on the cup), elements of neuro-linguistic programming and references to childhood trauma which result in Chris becoming paralyzed to then plunge into complete dissociation.
These are all concepts that relate to Monarch mind control. The fact that Kanye constantly refers to the “sunken place” hint to what actually happened during his hospitalization and the months that followed.
A few days after his sunken place tweets, Kanye released the song Kanye vs the People where he says those lines:
“I was in the sunken place and then I found the new me”Kanye’s “new me” apparently includes associating with conservative commentators like Candace Owens and fully embracing his love for Trump whom he calls “his brother”. A line from the above song says:
“See that’s the problem with this damn nationNeedless to say, all of this made a lot of people angry, especially black celebrities. The song itself features rapper T.I. who plays the role of “the people” who are angry at Kanye. And he serves Kanye a grave warning:
All Blacks gotta be Democrats, man
We ain’t made it off the plantation”
“What you willin’ to lose for the point to be proved?Later, T.I. gives Kanye another warning:
This shit is stubborn, selfish, bullheaded, even for you”
That’s why it’s important to know what direction you’re goin’ nowKanye received warnings from other people as well.
‘Cause everything that you built can be destroyed and torn down
Severe Backlash
As expected, lots of people did not agree with Kanye’s endorsement of Trump. Kanye tweeted a text from John Legend urging him to figuratively take off that MAGA hat.
Other celebrities were a little less diplomatic. For instance, Snoop Dogg told Kanye to “snap out of it” under a veiled threat of Get Out pt 2. In other words, he’d be sent back in the sunken place.

Rapper Daz Dillinger posted a video asking Crips gang members to “f*ck Kanye up” and to “bang on his ass”.
Severe Weirdness
Meanwhile, Kanye has been in hyper-Kanye mode, posting tens of tweets per day and releasing bizarre, sometimes half-baked stuff all over the place.First, tweeted that Emma Gonzalez – the Parkland survivor – was his “hero” and even shaved his head to honor her.

Some might see a heavy contradiction between supporting Trump and supporting a gun activist, but not Kanye.
Kanye also released a song called Lift Yourself which consists of an instrumental beat that lasts a couple of minutes which ends with a non-sensical Kanye verse that goes:
Poopy-di scoop
Finally, Kanye announced on Twitter that he would use a picture of the plastic surgeon who performed his mother’s surgery before she died.

Donda West died on November 2007 after a plastic surgery performed by Dr. Jan Adams. The coroner’s report, while unable to determine the exact “manner of death,” found both vomiting and “medication use for pain” as contributing factors. While, Adams was not faulted by the coroner, mainly took the blame from Kanye and his people.
Some theorized that Kanye’s mother’s death – which occurred under bizarre circumstances and right when Kanye was achieving superstardom – might have been an “industry sacrifice”. The fact that Kanye dwells back on this traumatic event, even putting the surgeon on the forefront of it all, is telling.
Dr. Adams sent a cease and desist letter to Kanye because … well … it can’t be good publicity.
In Conclusion
What to make of all this Kanye stuff? Is he trolling the world? Is it all for publicity? Did he lose his mind? Is he sharper than ever? One could answer yes and no to all of these questions and still be correct.Like many other celebrities before him, he is bright mind forced to evolve Hollywood’s toxic environment. In my 2015 article about Lamar Odom – who is married wtoanother Kardashian – I wrote:
“When you get involved with a family that is controlled by the occult elite, bad things often happen. Watch out Kanye.”A few years after this article, Kanye found himself deep in the sunken place. However, appears to be making great efforts to get out of it. But is it too late? Did the treatments mess him up irreparably? Is he trying to break free and going against the grain? Or, on the contrary, is he now under tight control? Is he now the “chosen” MK celebrity who has to go through a series of bizarre and humiliating events for the elite?
The Kanye comeback is an ongoing story. While he used to be an industry darling, he is now attracting hate from most of the industry. Let’s hope he won’t be sent back to the sunken place.