Monday, July 2, 2018

The joe knight show/ Dictator Trump

                                                           No Joe Knight radio show this week

Hey! what can I say people this is summer. People like me and invite me over to have libations.
The Joe Knight radio show will not be on this week. The 4th of July is coming among other invites so please check out my previous shows on the June postings on my blog.


     There has never been a more racist, arrogant, misogynist, inept, race baiting, insecure, confused, insipid, President than Donald J. Trump.
When you turn ICE which is a border control mechanism into a deportation organization that separates legalized immigrants from their families is demonic.
According to the L.A. Times, some legalized immigrants such as Jose L. Garcia now 62, was convicted of domestic violence in 2001, was taken from his front porch while watching his grand daughter by ICE agents. Garcia was a lawful permanent resident since 1988. The crack down was supposed to be on  illegal immigrants with criminal records. Garcia is legal with a conviction deep into his past. (do you see how rights are slowly and systematically taken?)
  First of all protecting the border is one thing, when you infringe on rights of legalized citizens and snatch them from the life they know and families, now we are going beyond the pail of POTUS and into Dictator.
        He is making everything up as he goes and it is a dangerous precedent that is being set.
Border control is needed however we are watching a version of The Holocaust when families are separated by a man who deems virtually all Hispanic people as criminals. If Donald Trump is allowed to execute these racist policies what's next? Is it possible that voting rights are taken away from minorities? Who says slavery can't eventually be reinstated?
 I know some would say it is far fetched but please remember things he said while running for President. Remember the racism spewed from his lips, the misogyny that is part of his make up and the KU KLUX CLAN-like rallies he has and continues to hold.
 We the people cannot sit by while our democracy is being murdered by a man that many believe used Russia to get into office as they interfered with our election through the use of social media.
There is much more focus on illegal immigrants being taken by Customs Enforcement agents the ones who are here legally have not gotten the same attention. According to Micheal Kaufman a lawyer for the Civil Liberties Union "They are trying to deport anyone they can get their hands on."
What do we call a man who over turns and ignores laws which are here to protect people and their families? A man who is an elected official who is the President of some of the United States of America? A man who admires a guy who allegedly interfered with our election? An extreme threat to our democracy who is in the news daily for unpropitious actions.
Ladies and gentleman Donald J Trump is a dictator in training and must be stopped.

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