Tuesday, March 31, 2020

yikes! i told you though..

               I blogged and did my radio show (The Joe Knight show) more consistently a year or two ago. I realized that on my show when discussing our POTUS, I called him a dictator. (A lot)
I told you...  The way he has handled the Pandemic is deplorable and reminds me of the movie Casino. Robert Deniro's character Sam Rothstein fired a guy from his casino. He stated that the guy was "too stupid or he was in on it", when hustlers stole from the casino. THAT IS TRUMP!
Either he ignored intelligence on purpose or too dumb to take their advice.
              U.S. officials conducted training last year simulating this exact scenario that's playing out.
Trump ignored that warning plus another warning given to him by intelligence in January regarding a pandemic. Fast forward to March 6th, he claims "it came out of no where." Dictators can openly contradict themselves because they do what they want. Go back and Google statements Trump made
pre-election 2016. Whether its mocking handicapped reporters, calling white nationalists good people, or currently questioning if states who have people dying from said pandemic really need ventilators:THIS IS WHAT DICTATORS DO!! Public servants serve the public, Dictators serve themselves.
               PEOPLE BELIEVE YOUR EYES! Yes Trump is a racist and misogynist.Yes he discusses T.V. ratings during the press conferences regarding A deadly outbreak. Yes he argues with women who challenge him with the words he himself used. Yes Trump minimalized the danger of The Corona Virus and called it a "hoax." He then turns around and says he called it a pandemic before it was deemed one. Yes he ignored Bill Gates who warned him privately about preparing for potential epidemics.
  Yes he is incessant in self congratulating himself. Trump is a boldfaced liar who stays socially distant from the truth. 3 weeks ago he stated The U.S. had 15 cases of infected citizens and it would be 0 soon. Now we have the most cases in the world. (dictators have no obligation to the truth}
Yes he cut 80% from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. He eliminated $30 million from the Complex Crisis Fund. Trump reduced National Health spending by 15 Billion. He is too stupid to be our President or is screwing us on purpose. American citizens lives is a preview of Marshall Law which is coming shortly after our economy crashes.

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